July 24, 2024
Artwork goes straight to the heart of the matter

Money donated by patients and loved ones has been used to make the
Cardiac Intensive Therapy Unit in Morriston Hospital a little less daunting.
It’s allowed staff to work with an artist to produce a large poster with
illustrations of the machines used on the unit, such as ventilators,
information on how they help the patients and even what they sound like.
The idea is to demystify the huge array of equipment found at the bedside.
Senior Sister Michelle Porter said loved ones can be a bit fearful.
“It’s to reassure them that this is all normal equipment that is required after open heart surgery.”
Audrey Williams from Carmarthen, who was visiting husband Jeff, found the poster very helpful.
“It gives an insight into all the sounds and beeps and alarms
that are going off constantly and can be quite worrying,
she said.”
“Even if you just take half of it in, that is a lot more than you would otherwise have known.”
Cardiac ITU matron Ross Phillips said:
“We get all sorts of charitable donations, whether it be donations from patients and family members, or people raising money through events like runs and climbing mountains.”
“We think about what will benefit patients in the long term. Having their relatives at ease when they are in an ITU setting is very important. It’s also good for education purposes for our student nurses and new nurses to the area. It’s an example of why the donations we receive are invaluable.”
From back: Andrew Jones, specialist registrar in cardiothoracic surgery; Ross Phillips, Cardiac ITU matron; Matthew Paratheppathickal, staff nurse; Dr Sameena Ahmed, consultant cardiac anaesthetist and clinical lead for Cardiac ITU; Precious Rallos, staff nurse; and Michelle Porter, Cardiac ITU senior sister.

Senior sister Michelle Porter with some of the equipment that relatives will see when they visit their loved one.