How you can support us
There are so many ways you can do your bit to help and make a real difference to our projects and activities. Read on to find out more.
Fundraising and getting involved
Got a fantastic fundraising idea, or thinking of organising your own event? Then we’d love to hear from you!
Get in touch by emailing: [email protected]
Go to our Enthuse page to find out more about setting up your own event or fundraising for our appeals.

Making a donation in someone’s memory
Many of the wonderful people who donate to our charity do so in the memory of a loved one, often as a thank you or an acknowledgement of the care or support they’ve received.
If as a family or a friend (or group of friends) you’d like to fundraise as a tribute to a loved one or a special person you’ve lost, we’d be delighted to help you do this.
If you’d like to chat through your plans with us, email: [email protected]
Donate to us in your will
Having made arrangements to leave gifts for family, friends or loved ones in your will, a legacy or bequest to Swansea Bay Health Charity is a way to ensure that others might receive support from us long into the future.
A common misconception is that a legacy has to be an enormous sum of money, but this isn’t the case. No matter how small or how large your gift, you can be sure it will make a difference to our work.
Should you decide to support Swansea Bay Health Charity in this way, you must first decide on what type of gift you would like to leave – a pecuniary bequest (a fixed sum of money) or a residuary bequest (a percentage of your estate). We advise that you consult a solicitor on what is best for your particular circumstances.
We recommend that you use a solicitor to draft your will to ensure that the wording meets your wishes. A properly drafted will ensures that your wishes will be honoured.
We are often asked if gifts can be used to fund certain work or purchase a particular piece of equipment. We do everything we can to abide by our supporters’ wishes at all times but please remember by the time your will becomes effective, the healthcare landscape may have changed in terms of equipment and treatments. So making your donation to a specific fund as opposed to for a specific purpose is the best possible way for your donation to make the positive impact it deserves.

Our Corporate Partner Proposition
With more than 13,000 employees and almost 700,000 visits per year to our health board sites for urgent, planned and community care, we can connect your business to local people, local organisations and the local community.
If you’d like to discuss working with us to support our charity while also reaching your key customers and target markets, get in touch by emailing: [email protected]
Tax efficient business donations
If your business donates to us, eligible donations can be deducted from profits before corporation tax is paid, with Corporation Tax relief of up to 25% available on corporate charitable donations.
So charitable donations to support our work can help reduce your tax liability through reduced corporation tax, income tax, capital gains tax, or reclaimed VAT.
Swansea Bay Health Charity is officially recognised by HMRC.

Become a Charity Champion or a Charity Ambassador
Another brilliant way to support is by becoming a Charity Champion, or Charity Ambassador.
Our Charity Champions represent us in their areas of work or even in the community. They help to promote our work, encourage more people to get involved and help bring to life the brilliant ideas from across the health board on how to improve patient care and develop and look after our staff.
They also give advice to people on working with our charity team regarding donations, fundraising and accessing funds and they may also assist with charity events.
Meanwhile Charity Ambassadors give their time to help promote and support our campaigns and activities. For example, local Swansea celebrity Mal Pope is one of our Charity Ambassadors and has provided fantastic support to our fundraising. If, like Mal, you’d like to help and believe you could help raise the profile of our activities, please get in touch.
Planning to hold a raffle or auction?
Holding an auction or a raffle is another great way to raise funds with minimal costs to organise – and don’t forget, it’s a fun thing to do!
One thing to keep in mind is there are laws relating to all lotteries and raffles, so please be sure that you are familiar with these and operate your auction or raffle accordingly. There may also be circumstances when a license may be required.
Go here to access the Fundraising Regulator website for more information.
You can also go here for the Gambling Commission website.
Alternatively, if you would like us to set up the raffle for you, we can do this online. Please contact us to set this up at the following email address: [email protected]

Gifts in kind
Donating money isn’t the only way you can help. Each year, we receive amazing support from companies who donate equipment, goods, services or even their employees’ time to our charity.
Donating a gift in kind is a fantastic and thoughtful way to support us.
For example, your business may be able to offer products or services which will really help make our events a big success, even if it’s that’s as simple as providing some refreshments for our guests.
And when you give your time to help us, whether raising money in your workplace, distributing publicity information, selling event tickets or volunteering to help marshal or bucket collect at our events, you’ll be making a contribution which really matters.
To give a gift in kind, please email: [email protected]
Gift Aid
Last year we claimed thousands of pounds in Gift Aid. If you’re a UK taxpayer, for every £1 given, you can increase your donation by an additional 25 pence! All you have to do is complete a simple declaration. It’s so easy and makes a massive difference.